Non-competes, and why you should care.
What exactly are non-competes? Well basically it’s a binding agreement that as a therapist you cannot work (providing the same services) within a certain perimeter of the current employer. This has been banned by the federal government, however does that mean companies will stop using them, no of course not. Abusive practices will continue. Just spread the word as this abusive practice is no longer allowed. It keeps people in workplace settings they do not want to be in, ultimately impacting the worker and the client all in the name of “protecting the company”. This could be overturned at some point so keep in mind as a worker and as a business owner how this entraps people and hurts clients. You provide higher quality work when you are working somewhere you want to be. Polyvagal sciences would support this, as our nervous systems are not going to be as regulated as somewhere we feel cues of safety.