This is my personal blog…

I have wanted to blog/vlog/write for years, I mean so many years. But my time was spent writing research papers on emotional regulation, autism, parenting, what have you. So I have developed a MFT/PCC guidance blog “All things mental health” where I will be writing about field related stuff. But here, here is where I will risk my vulnerability of my life experiences. I’ve realized two things. I have a LOT of clinical experiences and trainings I need to share with the world outside my role as a professor and clinician. I do not want to do trainings much anymore. They are demanding - (but I am doing some more info to come) but I have a TON of personal experiences to share as well. We are a neurodivergent family- everyone in my household is ND and in a different way. Our kids are no longer in public school, so there’s that. My husband and I are first generation college grads. We are cut off from our family of origin- what a painful but necessary process. We are Millennials…need I say more? We are people that strive for the betterment of ourselves for the sake of our children, the future, and humanity. We are nerds. We both have been on a journey of unlearning things we experience from systemic oppression personally and recognizing the privileges we do have/had. We are actively evolving to be more and more aware but moving that into actionable tangible change. I have experience many traumas in my life. I have recovered from chronic medical issues (I think were caused by the traumas) and actively processed my traumas throughout the last 10-15 years but really really doing deeper somatic work since my mother passed away 2 years ago.

All of these things are relevant to my story and you may relate to it to. SO I think now it is the times for me to step into this vulnerability for my own self, getting it out, externalizing it processing it but also in hopes that it helps someone. Here I am standing in front of you raw and real.

